Small Business Blueprint - How to Start & Run a Canadian Business
All the Frequently Asked Questions on starting a small business answered ... and much more!
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The Small Business Blueprint course was developed to help Canadians looking to start a small business hit the ground running – in far less time than it takes anyone starting from scratch. The mission is to help you get what you need and answer all those questions. Not in weeks, or days or months from now as you’re waiting to hear back from accountants and lawyers … but NOW.
To do this, you will get my 20+ years of experience, knowledge and passion to help get your business start-up or venture up and running as quickly, profitably and effectively as possible.
To accelerate the start-up of your business and to have the respect and rewards of being an entrepreneur - the Small Business Blueprint is a valuable source of information.
You will SEE the exactly how it’s done - not just hear about what to do, but get a clear, PRACTICAL, rubber-meets-the-road guide map that walks you through each step of the process. Video tutorials will guide you through the step-by-step process of registering a sole proprietorship or partnership. You can even look over my shoulder of a professional accountant as they incorporate once of my clients. If you are considering incorporating your own business to save on fees, then this tutorial will be extremely valuable.
You will be able to BRAINSTORM and personally pick the brain of a CPA and get honest, easy-to-understand answers to the challenges you’re facing. As part of this course, you will be able to ask course related questions. The instructor will answer the questions or offer some guidance within 3 business days.
This course was developed to give you the right preparation and the answers to key questions that you might not be asking yourself. It will save you time, money and frustration down the road.
You will Get Everything You Need To Start Smart… And Cut Through The Red Tape!
Here’s just a taste of what it contains …
“START RIGHT” STRATEGIES - We’ll dissect the 3 ways to organize your business – and take a close look at the advantages, disadvantages, considerations and consequences of EACH one: Perhaps the deepest, most comprehensive information about forming a business available. When you’re finished, you’ll be crystal clear about the type of business you want
INCORPORATING - Should you incorporate now, later or not at all? You’ll gain a thorough understanding of incorporating in your province and in Canada, including how to protect your assets, what you’d be liable for, eligible deductions and deferrals, as well as the costs.
APPLICATIONS & REGISTRATION – CRA Business Numbers (BN) Provincial Sale Tax (PST) numbers, GST/HST. You will know with 100% certainty which application to fill out ... if registration or tax numbers are needed ... AND, the precise steps to take.
FORM PREPARATION - Forms may be boring, but they’re an important part of starting a business. Mistakes can delay the launch of your business by weeks if not months. You’ll look over our shoulders as we fill in the forms together. You’ll prepare them correctly, submit them on time, and avoid frustration and unforeseen delays.
THE BEST WAY TO PAY YOURSELF - What’s best for you? A salary, dividends or a mix of both? You’ll know how to implement both strategies ... be clear on what paperwork to file (when and how) and understand the tax implications of each choice.
DEDUCTIONS and EXPENSES - Pay the least amount of tax by maximizing write-offs and deducting what you’re entitled to. We’ll examine deductible expenses (vehicle, home office, travel and much more!) You’ll know what you can claim, what you can’t, and how to “audit proof” yourself from the prying eyes of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
RECORD & BOOKKEEPING - Managing records and creating a paper trail can keep your business out of hot water. We’ll show you an astonishingly effective, easy-to-use system that will satisfy the toughest auditors.
TAX PLANNING ISSUES & STRATEGIES: Business is not only about what you make, but how much you keep. The right tax planning strategies can save you and your family thousands each year. We’ll show you how to properly implement a wide variety of tax saving strategies ... keep more money in your pocket ... and stay off the CRA’s radar screen.
This is a PRACTICAL, hands-on blueprint for start-ups that doesn’t just tell you what to do, but will actually SHOW YOU how it’s done.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your Instructor
Ian DINovo is a professional accountant and Director of the Canadian Tax Academy. He has been practicing accounting and offering independent financial and business advice for over 20 years.
He is the creator of a number of courses dealing with business, tax and investment matters that are designed to make difficult topics easy to understand for everyone.

Love how the information is given. Speaker is engaging.
- David Mason

This course is exactly what everyone needs to start a business in Canada. Very easy to understand and very informative
- Adam Dorriesfield

The author knows his stuff, so the lecture is enriched with real-life explanations and is not boring.
- Alex A.

The information has been very helpful and exactly what I need to get my business started.
- Patrizia Demir
Course Curriculum
StartCourse Re-Launch - Monday, November 9, 2020
StartIntroduction to the course and outline of topics we will be covering (6:32)
StartOutline of the course - Modules and topics that will be covered (6:21)
StartCourse Adminstration - Requesting certificates, refunds and policy on questions. (5:43)
StartCOURSE NOTES & PRESENTATION - Download the PDF of course notes and full PowerPoint Presentation
StartOverview of the three forms of business organization (3:49)
StartSole Proprietorships - Characteristics along with advantages and disadvantages (9:58)
StartPartnerships - Characteristics along with advantages and disadvantages (9:58)
StartCorporations - Characteristics along with advantages and disadvantages (9:00)
StartWhy you should incorporate your business - sorting through the benefits of incorporation (8:30)
StartThe importance of partnership agreements and what they should cover (7:54)
StartA look at shareholder agreements and why they are critical (10:44)
StartOverview of filing requirements for the three forms of organization (8:31)
StartSummary of the eight step process and procedures on setting up a business (6:02)
StartStep 1 - Choosing and building your professional team (9:28)
StartStep 2 - Deciding on the form of organization your business will take (4:20)
StartStep 3 - Registering or incorporating your business (4:57)
StartStep 4 - Choosing a year end date for your business (9:07)
StartStep 5 - Looking into municipal tax issues - zoning licenses and permits (5:19)
StartStep 6 - Registering with the Canada Revenue Agency (5:09)
StartStep 7 - Registering with the Workers Compensation or Insurance Boar (4:12)
StartStep 8 - Opening a company bank account and bookkeeping options (7:23)